Sooke Hospice Society

Sooke Hospice Society

Too slow for those who Wait.
Too swift for those who Fear.
Too long for those who Grieve.
Too short for those who Rejoice.

But for those who Love and Care

Help Support
Sooke Hospice

We invite your participation in our efforts to enhance the community care for the dying and bereaved. Tax deductible donations are gratefully accepted and acknowledged at the address below.

You can also donate via e-transfer to .
Please provide name and address for your tax receipt.

Or click here to print our Donation Form.

Sooke Hospice Society
PO Box 731
6669 Goodmere Rd
Sooke, BC, V9Z 1H7
Phone: (250) 642-4345
Fax: (250) 642-0232

Funding from the Community Gaming Grants, local service organizations and private Individuals enables us to help those in our community who face life-threatening illnesses.

On behalf of our clients, their families and our volunteers, a heartfelt "Thank You" to everyone who supports Sooke Hospice.

Sooke Hospice is a member of the


What is Hospice?

We are a team of concerned people who offer care for those with life threatening illnesses and offer support and understanding to their families.

Our team includes palliative care trained physicians and nurses, who have received special education, and a group of specially trained volunteers. We attempt to help in any way that is appropriate to the individual's or family's needs.

Read more about Sooke Hospice...


What do
we do?

We assist with the control and relief of pain and discomforts of the illness. We respect the personality and individual rights of each patient and their family.

This service is free and available to all who feel they would like greater control over the choices they may wish to make about the quality of their life.

Read more about our services...


Sooke Hospice

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